Jazz, vampires, hauntings, mystery, murders, mobsters, madams, Mardi Gras, monster storms, and so much more have always made New Orleans an incredible setting for literature, where fiction and fact...

Jazz, vampires, hauntings, mystery, murders, mobsters, madams, Mardi Gras, monster storms, and so much more have always made New Orleans an incredible setting for literature, where fiction and fact...
“Don’t you just love those long rainy afternoons in New Orleans when an hour isn’t just an hour, but a little piece of eternity dropped into your hands and who knows what to do with...
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” – Douglas Adams Sometimes you just have to drop it all and hit the road, and what better...
When some people think of northern Arizona they think Grand Canyon (yes go!), Sedona (so awesome), Route 66, and maybe the rest is a cactus desert? Ok you’re not totally wrong, but if you roll...