- The anticipation of a trip. Any trip. Near or far. Long or short. Solo or with friends and fam. Just let’s go already!
- The warmth, generosity, intelligence and good humor of almost everyone I meet on the road. Contrary to what you hear on the news, people in general are awesome.
- Reading – historical fiction, noir thrillers, mysteries, poetry, YA (but not romance eww), travel literature and cookbooks (yes I actually read them – like armchair cooking)
- Trying anything one time (except launching my body off planes or bridges).
- Huffing up breathtaking California coastal trails with my pup and a friend.
- The magic of live dance on stage.
- Floating about in water that is warm, crystal clear and sharkless.
- Keeping up with fashion trends.
- Grumpy people who honk or ambush you in the grocery line.
- Cutting food groups out of my diet, keeping food logs, or generally food fretting.
- Routines. Mostly because I suck at following them.
- Feeling stressy about running out of time for all the cool things there are to see in the world.
- Boundless curiosity about food, cooking, history, art, architecture, culture, language and music.
- A globe-trotting, music-loving, mountain-climbing, kid-spouse.
- Two adventurous offspring who are mysteriously not so mini anymore.
- The future best dog ever (she’s a work in progress – we are NOT ballroom dancing on Instagram…yet).
- A seriously nurturing circle of fun, brilliant, inspiring, insightful and supportive girlfriends and girl relations near and far – thank the heavens for each of you. I like some of you boy people as well…
- An art history degree and a culinary degree, neither of which seems to have earned me a dime, but both of which have given me enormous lifelong joy.
- Spanish, French and Italian – it may sound impressive but honestly it’s not pretty.
- How to throw clay on the wheel. Also, not so pretty.
- To meditate. Please stop me if I lecture you about how life-changing it is. But really, it is. Really.
- JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) = more “no” actually means more “yes.”
- I was born and raised Where the West Begins (Ft. Worth).
- I am a certified total Wes Anderson-style Junior Maine Guide.
- My first big trip (at 9 months) was to France where I apparently thoroughly enjoyed escargots.
- I have traveled to over 40 countries and no I don’t have a favorite.
- I whimper with happiness when I have a delicious bite of cheese (ok that’s maybe not such a well-kept secret).